Vision ACTIVATION Planning



Read my STORY and WHY I'm sharing it with you at the end 




In this course I'm going to show you JUST how QUICK & easy it can be! 





YOU can have more TIME, more ENERGY and more CREATIVITY 

through building your OWN easy and enjoyable holistic creative workflow 


My aim is to share the tools that will have you FEELING bigger possibility & creative confidence in no time! This work is FUN and SO grounding.  Even in times of big change. 


Get ready to CHALLENGE your assumption about what is takes to create your own successful vision activation WORKFLOW.




In my VISION Activation 
I'll be showing you, how to:
    • Build a simple vision roadmap informed by your short and long term goals, your needs, priorities and unique lifestyle requirements

    • Break down BIG DREAM intentions into small achievable daily tasks within a personalised plan that's yours to tailor and shape

    • Grow trust and self confidence in your ability to plan and deliver your own creative projects!

    • Own a system to grow, shape and work with at your own pace forever.

    • Identify & eliminate the habits that are draining your time and to replace with things that charge your energy to build into your plan 


Module One

How to use how to activate where YOUR CREATIVE power lies. Sharing how to work through this in your own fun & unique way. 

You are beautifully UNIQUE and your journey through this honors just that. 

Module Two 

Your FEAR toolbox here learn how easy it is to work WITH fear for more understanding about yourself & your practice.

Learn how important your VISION is and how you ACTIVATE (action it) so easy!


Module Three

Creative Blocks. We all have them, here's how they show up. You're not ALONE my friend

Sharing with you how I worked through an 8 year creative block to build a successful 6 figure global creative business alone.

Module Four

Identifying and understanding Your unique NEEDS ~ personal and professional.

Where can you make space in your time, your environment to not only honour but also to support your creative growth.


Module Five

What it looks like? Tailored to you, your NEEDS and where you are NOW taking your creativity in 2023

To create your own system for accountability, big support and achievement that has worked for all my mentees!


Module Six

You're AMAZING I've got your back and there's much support through the course structure with really easy feedback. 

Here I show you exactly how you fill out your workbook! Start here if you wish!


See what others artists say about the Masterclass


"I liked how practical it was, it felt energising within that amount of time and I felt like I could get straight into the workbook without getting too stuck on big questions. Also love the framework that can be shuffled to suit, very freeing.


"A huge thanks for the masterclass...it has really helped me clear some areas that needed it, and to refocus on the important ones<...>  needed some guidance to re-evaluate and come at my life both personally and professionally with a fresh approach - so this format has really helped me!" 


"Thank you so much Joanna! Feeling excited, inspired and energised to dive and embrace the creative magic!" 



" This has given me real hope! It's like the internet is giving away all these secrets! I had no idea. I always thought mentors were in the world of business... Oh wait... art is business! *click*" 


"It was really great to hear about your system and I found the mindset of the whole event very inspiring. The following day I naturally woke up at 5:30am and instead of rolling over and going back to sleep I thought about what you said about making time, and how we tend to feel a scarcity of time from the moment we wake up, so I figured I’d roll with these extra two hours that my body has gifted me and had a really nice morning pottering about, journaling and cuddling with my dog. Thank you for planting that seed in my brain!" 


"This is all fabulous Jo! Thank you for sharing it'' 


Thank you for sharing jo! I need a RESET this month - this will be so helpful''


"Change doesn’t start with action, it starts with VISION.  Artists are great at creating visions" 

Steve Lambert 

You'll Receive

Over 90 mins video training supporting your creative self-development and clear actionable planning for results. 

Downloadable pdf workbook which you can implement instantly.

New actionable ideas on planning keeping in close contact with your goals and achievements

Learning that will support you and your creative development forever.

You'll Learn

A new step-by-step method in simple intention planning for your creative development.

How to gain Momentum and confidence through building a system to support your goals, manage progress and see clear outcomes.

Clarity and motivation in moving through previous blocks and frustrations.

Confidence in how to reconnect with your creativity when life stuff knocks you off track


You'll Feel

Supported every step of the way. Throughout you can add comments and request advice and feedback!

Empowered in working on your own tailored workflow system at your own pace in your own time.

Positive and capable in taking on a fresh way of thinking in translating your dream intentions into an actionable and simple strategy.

Inspired into action, motivated in creating your own successful workflow



This is for YOU if...


-  You're unsure how to create a solid, measurable but simple workflow organisation structure for your projects, home, lifestyle & creative plans

-  You’ve been frustrated and felt a sense of failure - not keeping up with your goals despite all your good intentions

-  You have worked with me and are READY to activate all these big intentions into an easy workflow system

-   You are curious in working with me, to learn my simple but successful foundational systems to support a daily practise and more creative time in flow.


"Make a habit of keeping to your routine like your LIFE depends on it" 

Lisa Congdon


Such a great resource and I was so inspired. I love your combination of practical advice sprinkled with a little magic, so thank you so much for sharing!

Michelle Freer


A word from Joanna 


"I suffered a horrendous 8 yr creative block in my late 20’s to early 30’s after completing a BA (Hons) in Fine Art. 

The self awareness and growth work undertaken in the last 2 yrs of that block was life changing. 

I started to align who I wanted to be as an artist with journaling and vision work, (even before I knew what it was called), to keep me focused, healthy and creative.

Along with undiagnosed ADHD I have had to problem solve through huge blocks. I've learnt how to organise myself and build a hugely successful 6 figure creative business through severe overwhelm and anxiety, imposter syndrome and fear, issues with focus and motivation.

With 16 yrs specialising in many incredible areas in the creative industry and hands on experience of creative, life and career transformation was the catalyst that led me to become a creative mentor.  This VISION Planning is what brought me back to myself after the fear that my inner artist had left me forever. I'm so happy to share it with YOU to support YOUR OWN success story! 

MY MISSION is to show other creatives that what they feel is impossible - REALLY ISN’T. 

We’re the only one's standing in the way of our success and we have all we need to make a REAL future for ourselves" 

Joanna works with artists in intimate 1:1 and group mentoring for mid term career women artists in the FOUNDATION WORKSHOPS 



Frequently asked questions